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News & Events

Dangar Falls Community Working Bee
Tuesday 4th March
8:30 - 10:30am

Come and learn about bush regeneration and support the Dangar Falls project.


Plant a tree, rake some weeds, meet new people.

There's a job for everyone!


Bring your own hat, gloves, water, tools



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Jaliigirr Biodiversity Alliance is proudly presenting a eucalypt forest & ID workshop on the Dorrigo Plateau with Ross Macleay on the 22nd Sept as a part of the Koala Conservation Action in the Coffs Harbour & Bellingen ARKS project.


Register here with Humanitix

Plateau Koalas Project Resources

​This two-year project, enabled by grant funding from the Australian Government, includes mapping of vegetation in three biodiversity corridors on the plateau, conserving and adding to existing habitat through regeneration and enrichment planting of 2560 plants along and adjacent to the Mackay’s Creek Rd corridor, and fencing habitat from stock with wildlife friendly fencing. 

The Vegetation mapping can help landholders select the right native species mix for restoring disturbed areas and plan their land use accordingly.

​Maps, Species Lists, Plant Community Types, and Eucalypts of the Dorrigo Plateau are now available for download on the PROJECTS page, or on the Dandarrga Landcare site on the NSW Landcare Gateway


Our Annual General Meeting was held this month:

The third Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Dorrigo Community Nursery Incorporated, (DCN) elected a new committee, on Sunday 8th September 2024

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Free Woodchip this month in front of the Nursery


Help yourself!

“Plateau Koalas” Mapped

Dandarrga Landcare’s “Plateau Koalas” project reaches a key milestone this week, with the launch of a map series depicting the vegetation communities across three biodiversity corridors on the Plateau.

The maps show the vegetation communities within the corridors that link koala habitat in the National parks to the south & east of the plateau to the protected areas to the north & west of the plateau. The vegetation types that are useful for koala habitat are also depicted. “We selected the 3 corridors  Junuy, Bagul Waajaarr, and Deer Vale, as this is where it is most likely that koalas and other threatened species will travel between forested habitat areas.” said Project Co-ordinator Justine Elder.

“When we started, not much was formally known about Koalas on the Dorrigo plateau. There was so much anecdotal evidence of sightings, but now we know the types of plant communities that support Koalas do exist here. Understanding the existing plant communities that Koalas are utilising will help landholders select the right native species mix for restoring disturbed areas and plan their future landuse accordingly”, Justine said.

The maps will be presented on Saturday 13th July at a pop-up shop at “The Other Office” in Hickory Street Dorrigo. “We invite the Bellingen Shire to come along and check out the new maps, have a chat about Koalas on the plateau, and meet Peppermint the Koala,”said Justine. “Large format maps will be available for sale on the day, and the digital copies will soon be available online via the SEED portal”.

This two-year project received grant funding from the Australian Government and includes conserving and adding to existing habitat through regeneration and enrichment planting along and adjacent to the Mackay’s Creek Rd corridor. We would like to thank the landholders in Corridor one who were involved in the planting and restoration part of this project, volunteers from Dandarrga Landcare, and we acknowledge for their kind support Dorrigo Plateau Local Aboriginal Land Council, and Bellingen Council. 

Any landholders interested in more information on this project or receiving a site visit to discuss koala habitat regeneration options on their property are urged to contact Dandarrga Landcare on 0428 138 355 or 

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Next month, look out for a




We have a netted poly tunnel to install and plenty of space for planting, path-making, scarecrows and other creative garden ideas.


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Key dates for March

February - March Native Plant Sale 

See our current Stock List here


29th - Closed Good Friday

30th - Dorrigo Handmade Markets, Nursery Open for business

1st April - Closed Easter Monday



Chinese New Year of the Wood Dragon
All Stock Reduced! Come in for a bargain
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Dorrigo Seed Savers


Come in and meet the people saving seed, and help us establish a network of gardeners and Seed Savers in our local area.

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Dorrigo Community Garden


Our first raised beds are brimming with vegetables, and the fruit and nut trees and bushes are doing well. We will build a netted tunnel and more raised garden beds this year. Many hands make light work!


Volunteers are most welcome to help plant, weed, water and harvest in January.

Dandarrga Landcare


We've had great weather for growing and planting! Check our Bush Regen page for volunteer opportunities to get involved.


An updated stocktake of our native nursery plants for sale is on the Native Nursery page.

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Dorrigo Community Nursery Inc Annual General Meeting 


Sunday 27th August



Dorrigo Community Nursery

All members welcome


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The June newsletter is OUT!! Read it here 

Community Garden Update!

On Saturday morning  six of us met to work together in the Community Garden.

It had been a while since Rebecca had been with us on a Saturday morning so we welcomed her energy and ideas.

We pegged out the site of the shelter shed and the first of the garden tunnels we had been given by the Mount Hyland nursery.

We retrieved about 20 large old boards that had been seats from a demolished grandstand in the Showground and placed them on the ground in the garden where we will use them  for garden beds.

We measured proposed sites for a water tank we have received a Nutriens grant to pay for and made a decision about the position and the size of the tank.

I will place an order for the tank and pump with Jarred at the Dorrigo Hardware this week.

 It was decided to use the rocks that have been gleaned from the surface of the site to make a creekbed feature in the swale.

At the next Community Garden meeting we want to make garden beds out of those boards, spread the rocks in the swale and prepare a site for the tank.. 

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For the diary for May

Saturday 6th - Dorrigo Community Markets on Hickory St. New volunteers are encouraged to help out with the stall for a 2 hour stint. Please contact to register. Thanks!


NEW DATE! Tuesday 23rd May - 8.30 - 10.30am - Working Bee and Thank you Morning Tea at the Labyrinth at Dangar Falls.


Volunteers will be working hard at the following sites. New volunteers are ALWAYS welcome. Go to the Regen page to find out how to register your interest. Thank you!


Mondays: Regen at Rocky Creek

Tuesdays: Regen at Dangar Falls

Wednesdays: Seed Savers Pack and Chat

Thursdays: Regen at Beilsdown River Walk

Find out which native trees will be popping with seeds, ripe for collecting, for May and June




Key dates for April

1st - Dorrigo Community Markets. Now on Hickory St. New volunteers are encouraged to help out with the stall for a 2 hour stint. Please contact to register. Thanks!


8th - Dorrigo Handmade Markets. As above, we welcome volunteers to help out for 2 hours on the day.


Mondays: Regen at Rocky Creek


Tuesdays: Regen at Dangar Falls


Wednesdays: Seed Savers Pack and Chat


Thursdays: Regen at Beilsdown River Walk

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$3 each

Red Cedar      

Forest Oak     

Dorrigo Hakea     

White Mountain Banksia


Come see us at the Nursery


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Key dates for March

4th - Dorrigo Community Markets


21st - Autumn Equinox

Meet at 8am for an 8.30 start at the Labyrinth at Dangar Falls for a morning of meditation, music and intention, when we celebrate the harvest.


Huge news for February is the commencement of the new improved Community Garden space. We are so grateful to Rebecca Doblo, who provided the design, and also to our amazing volunteers for preparing the foundations. We welcome volunteers to join us on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month for working bees on the garden.

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Contact Us


Opening Hours

Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat

9.00am to 12.30pm


Entrance via Dorrigo Showground,  
Tyringham Rd, Dorrigo



Phone     Office:  0494 170 151

                   Annie Stanton: 0435 200 351

                   Nadia Camatta: 0457 332 057

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2023 Dorrigo Community Nursery Inc

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